
trȗs m 〈N mn trúsovi〉 {{c=0}}1. {{001f}}{{/c}}{{c=1}}v. {{ref}}potres{{/ref}} {{/c}}{{c=0}}2. {{001f}}{{/c}}(+ potenc.) {{c=0}}sjeme biljke koje se trusi{{/c}}

Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika. 2013.

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  • trus- —     trus     English meaning: reed     Deutsche Übersetzung: ‘schilfrohr”?     Material: Gk. θρύον “ bulrush” as *τρυhον (?), *trusom to O.C.S. trъstь, Ser. Cr. trst, trska etc. “ reed “, Lith. tr(i)ušì s ds., strùstė, strustìs, srustìs… …   Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary

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  • Trus ne igraet v khokkey — ( ru. Трус не играет в хоккей, lit. No coward plays hockey ) could be called the anthem of ice hockey in Soviet Union and Russia. The song was composed in 1968 by Aleksandra Pakhmutova (music), Sergei Grebennikov and Nikolai Dobronravov (lyrics… …   Wikipedia

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