- gȍšća
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Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika. 2013.
Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika. 2013.
SCA fencing — is the style of fencing practiced by the Society for Creative AnachronismOverviewIn 1979 the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) introduced rapier rules, allowing fencing within the organization. Since that time, fencing has gained a… … Wikipedia
Sca Fell — Höhe 964 m … Deutsch Wikipedia
SCA Hygiene Products — SE Rechtsform Societas Europaea ISIN DE0006889801 … Deutsch Wikipedia
SCA St-Jean-d'Angély — SCA St Jean d Angély … Wikipédia en Français
SCA — [Abk. für Single Connector Attachment, dt. »Einzelsteckerverbindung«], spezielles SCSI Verbindungssystem (SCSI) mit 80 Kontakten, bei dem die Datenleitungen um zusätzliche Leitungen für die Stromversorgung ergänzt sind. SCA wird z. B. bei SCSI… … Universal-Lexikon
SCA-Adapter — (SCA = Abkürzung für Special Camera Adaption ) SCA Adapter verbinden die Elektronenblitzgeräte einiger Hersteller (in erster Linie die der Firma Metz) mit bestimmten Kameras unter Beibehaltung der kameratypischen automatischen Blitzfunktionen.… … Das Lexikon aus „Bernie's Foto-Programm"
SCA 2000 Évry — Peaux Rouges d Évry (SCA2000) … Wikipédia en Français
sca´brous|ness — sca|brous «SKAY bruhs», adjective. 1. rough with very small points or projections: »scabrous skin. SYNONYM(S): scraggly. 2. full of difficulties; harsh; thorny: »scabrous questions, a scabrous situation. 3. hard to treat with decency; … Useful english dictionary
sca´brous|ly — sca|brous «SKAY bruhs», adjective. 1. rough with very small points or projections: »scabrous skin. SYNONYM(S): scraggly. 2. full of difficulties; harsh; thorny: »scabrous questions, a scabrous situation. 3. hard to treat with decency; … Useful english dictionary
sca|brous — «SKAY bruhs», adjective. 1. rough with very small points or projections: »scabrous skin. SYNONYM(S): scraggly. 2. full of difficulties; harsh; thorny: »scabrous questions, a scabrous situation. 3. hard to treat with decency; … Useful english dictionary
SCA — may refer to: US Government * Stored Communications Act * Electronic Communications Privacy Act Retail Stores: *Super Cheap AutoOrganizations: *Scottish Canoe Association *Secular Coalition for America *Sexual Compulsives Anonymous *Société en… … Wikipedia