
bı̏otop m biol. {{c=0}}područje jedne biocenoze (npr. livada, hrastova šuma, jezero); stanište{{/c}}

Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika. 2013.

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  • OTOP — One Tambon One Product (OTOP, Thai: โอทอป Ein Dorf Ein Produkt) ist ein Programm zur Förderung privaten Unternehmertums, welches vom ehemaligen thailändischen Premierminister Thaksin Shinawatra während seiner Regierungszeit von 2001 bis 2006 ins… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • OTOP — One Tambon One Product One tambon One product (OTOP), en français Une province Un produit , est un programme économique lancé par le gouvernement thaïlandais de Thaksin Shinawatra entre 2001 et 2006. Le projet OTOP est destiné à encourager et… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • One Town, One Product (OTOP) — Logo for the One Town One Product Program One Town One Product (OTOP) is a promotional program of the government of the Philippines. OTOP aims to promote goods and products of Filipino towns, cities, and regions, and provides funding for small… …   Wikipedia

  • One Town One Product (OTOP) – Taiwan — One Town One Product (OTOP) is a project begun in 1989 and supervised by the Small and Medium Enterprise Administration (SMEA) of Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs to promote Taiwanese products. Since 2000, adopting a new concept for promoting …   Wikipedia

  • One Town, One Product (OTOP) - Philippines — The One Town One Product (OTOP) is a priority program of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo to promote entrepreneurship and create jobs. Through OTOP, local chief executives of each city and municipality take the lead in identifying, developing… …   Wikipedia

  • One Tambon One Product — OTOP redirects here. For similar program in the Philippines, see One Town One Product. One Tambon One Product (OTOP) is a local entrepreneurship stimulus program designed by Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawat during the 2001 2006 Thai Rak Thai… …   Wikipedia

  • One Town One Product (Republic of China) — One Town One Product (OTOP) is a project begun in 1989 and supervised by the Small and Medium Enterprise Administration (SMEA) of Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Republic of China (ROC) to promote products from the territories within the ROC… …   Wikipedia

  • One Tambon One Product — (OTOP, Thai: โอทอป Eine Gemeinde, ein Produkt) ist ein Programm zur Förderung privaten Unternehmertums, welches vom ehemaligen thailändischen Premierminister Thaksin Shinawatra während seiner Regierungszeit von 2001 bis 2006 ins Leben gerufen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • One Tambon One Product — (OTOP), en français « Une commune Un produit », est un programme économique lancé par le gouvernement thaïlandais de Thaksin Shinawatra entre 2001 et 2006. Le projet « OTOP » est destiné à encourager et soutenir le… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Tak Province — Infobox Thai Province name = Tak thai = ตาก capital = Tak (town) area = 16,406.6 arearank = 4th population = 486,146 population as of = 2000 populationrank = 49th density = 30 densityrank = 75th isocode = TH 63 governor = Chumphon Phonrak… …   Wikipedia

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