štampati — štȃmpati (što) dv. <prez. ām, pril. sad. ajūći, pril. pr. āvši, prid. trp. štȃmpān, gl. im. ānje> DEFINICIJA prenijeti, prenositi pomoću pritiska naročitog stroja otisak složenih slova i crteža na papir ili drugu podlogu; tiskati… … Hrvatski jezični portal
tı̏skati — tı̏ska|ti (koga, što, se) nesvrš. 〈prez. ām (se), pril. sad. ajūći (se), prid. trp. tı̏skān, gl. im. ānje〉 1. {{001f}}(što) a. {{001f}}potiskivati, gurati, tjerati b. {{001f}}trpati, gurati što (u što), utrpavati c. {{001f}}cijediti [∼ti limun] 2 … Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika
preštampati — prèštāmpati (što) svrš. <prez. prèštāmpām, pril. pr. āvši, prid. trp. prèštāmpān> DEFINICIJA razg. ponovno štampati, tiskati neki tekst, knjigu i sl. tako da se tekst objavi u cijelosti ili dobije posve jednaka nova knjiga ETIMOLOGIJA pre 1 … Hrvatski jezični portal
tiskati — tȉskati (koga, što) nesvrš. <prez. ām, pril. sad. ajūći, prid. trp. tȉskān, gl. im. ānje> DEFINICIJA 1. (što) a. potiskivati, gurati, tjerati b. trpati, gurati što (u što), utrpavati c. cijediti [tiskati limun] 2. (koga) žuljati, zadavati… … Hrvatski jezični portal
Pomponio Nenna — (baptized 13 June 1556 – 25 July 1608) was a Neapolitan Italian composer of the Renaissance. He is mainly remembered for his madrigals, which were influenced by Gesualdo, and for his polychoral sacred motets, posthumously published as Sacrae… … Wikipedia
Italian Wikipedia — Screenshot … Wikipedia
Panfilo Castaldi — (c. 1398 ndash; c. 1490; also called Pamfilo or Pamphilo) was an Italian printer working in Milan. Born at Feltre, Castaldi is commemorated by a statue there as the inventor of moveable type, a claim that is probably false.The story as it has… … Wikipedia
Virgilio Falco — (Benevento, Italy 20 December 1989).Co ordinator of student s newspapers in Italy (“L’Urlo…Cortese” and “Pensieri…stampati”).On 28/10/2006 he was elected member of the Italian council of the students.In the 2006 he was elected student of the year … Wikipedia
Biblioteca Vaticana — Biblioteca Vaticana: Bücherschrank Die Vatikanische Apostolische Bibliothek ist die Bibliothek des Heiligen Stuhles und befindet sich in der Vatikanstadt im Stadtgebiet von Rom. Ihre Bestände zählen heute zu den wertvollsten der Welt, unter… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana — Biblioteca Vaticana: Bücherschrank Die Vatikanische Apostolische Bibliothek ist die Bibliothek des Heiligen Stuhles und befindet sich in der Vatikanstadt im Stadtgebiet von Rom. Ihre Bestände zählen heute zu den wertvollsten der Welt, unter… … Deutsch Wikipedia