
bȕhav prid. odr. -ī〉 {{c=0}}koji je rahao, {{/c}}{{c=1}}usp. {{ref}}nabuhao{{/ref}}{{/c}}

Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika. 2013.

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  • HAV — or hav may be:* HAV: an acronym for the Hepatitis A virus. * hav: an abbreviation for the haversine function. * HAV: an acronym for Hand Arm Vibration. * HAV: the IATA airport code for José Martí International Airport * Hav: a fictional city in… …   Wikipedia

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  • HAV — puede referirse a: Aeropuerto Internacional José Martí, en la ciudad de La Habana, Cuba (Código de Aeropuerto IATA); HAV, un grupo japonés, originarios de la prefectura de Okinawa y que cantan los temas de entrada y final del manga titulado… …   Wikipedia Español

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  • hav|er|sack — «HAV uhr sak», noun. a bag or pouch used by soldiers and hikers for carrying food, utensils, and other things when on a march or hike. It is usually carried at the side by a shoulder strap. »We bore two days rations in our haversacks (Arthur… …   Useful english dictionary

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  • hav|ing — «HAV ihng», noun. 1. possession. 2. what a person possesses; belonging: »Look to my house and havings; keep all safe (Richard Brome). 3. Often, havings. Scottish. behavior or manners …   Useful english dictionary

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  • hav|ior — or hav|iour «HAYV yuhr», noun. Archaic or Dialect. behavior; deportment. ╂[Middle English havour (influenced by have) < Old French avoir to have] …   Useful english dictionary

  • HAV — steht für: Flughafen Havanna auf Kuba (IATA Code) Hepatitis A Virus, ein Krankheitserreger Hinweise für das Anbringen von Verkehrszeichen und Verkehrseinrichtungen, Bestandteil des technischen Regelwerkes für das Straßenwesen in Deutschland …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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