
vȅčēr ž {{c=0}}({{/c}}vȅčē sr knjiš. razg.{{c=0}}){{/c}} 〈G I -i, G mn večèrī〉 {{c=0}}dio dana, vrijeme oko svršetka dana i početka noći
∆ {{001f}}{{/c}}Badnja ∼ {{c=0}}večer uoči Božića; {{/c}}djevojačka ∼ {{c=0}}večer koju organizira mladenka uoči svog vjenčanja za susret sa svojim prijateljicama; {{/c}}dobra ∼ (dobro veče razg.) {{c=0}}večernji pozdrav pri susretu; {{/c}}momačka ∼ {{c=0}}večer uoči vjenčanja koju mladoženja provodi u društvu starih prijatelja{{/c}}

Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika. 2013.

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  • CER Computer — CER (Serbian: Cifarski Elektronski Računar Digital Electronic Computer ) was a series of early computers (based on vacuum tubes and transistors) developed by Mihajlo Pupin Institute (Serbia) in the 1960s and 1970s. Models: CER 10 1960, based on… …   Wikipedia

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  • CER-10 — CER (Serbian: Цифарски Електронски Рачунар Digital Electronic Computer ) model 10 was a vacuum tube and transistor based computer developed by Mihajlo Pupin Institute (Serbia) in 1960 (4),(5)] . This was the first computer ever… …   Wikipedia

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  • čer — čer̃ interj., čer 1. džer (žvangėjimui, tarškėjimui nusakyti): Kai mečiau akmenį į geležis, tik čer čer! Gs. Ižas užsidėjęs ant ledo, tai, kai eini, čer̃ čer̃ čirkši Kp. 2. čir, čar (skardžiam paukščio ar žvėrelio riktelėjimui nusakyti):… …   Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language

  • Cer — or CER may refer to: Cer (mountain), a mountain in Serbia Cer (goddess), Greek goddess of violent death, one of the Protogenoi Canonical Encoding Rules, a set of ASN.1 encoding rules for formatting data in binary Centre for European Reform… …   Wikipedia

  • CER — steht für: Cer, ein chemisches Element Cer (Gebirge), ein Gebirge in Serbien Schlacht von Cer, eine Schlacht im 1. Weltkrieg CER steht für: Certified Emission Reduction (zertifizierte Emissionsreduktion), offizielle Bezeichnung von… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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