- ȕditi
- ȕditi (komu, čemu) nesvrš. 〈prez. -īm, pril. sad. ‹dēći, gl. im. ‹đēnje〉 knjiš. {{c=0}}nanositi štetu; štetiti{{/c}}
Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika. 2013.
Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika. 2013.
Diti — (Sanskrit, f., दिति, Diti) ist in der hinduistischen Mythologie eine Nachtgöttin, Tochter des Daksha, Gattin des Kashyapa sowie Mutter der Daityas und Maruts. Für das Glaubensleben ist sie nicht von Bedeutung. Nach der Überlieferung des Ramayana… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Diti — (ind. Myth.), so v.w. Didy … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Diti — In Hinduism, Diti (Sanskrit: दिति) is an earth goddess and mother of the Maruts with Rudra. She is also the mother of the Daityas with the sage Kashyapa. She wanted to have a son who would be more powerful than Indra (who had killed her previous… … Wikipedia
Diti — Dans la mythologie indienne, Diti est la mère des Asura, à l opposé d Aditî, mère des Sura. Alors que les Asura ont été plongés en enfer par les Sura, Indra devint le chef des deva. Diti implora Kashyapa de lui donner un fils capable de tuer… … Wikipédia en Français
dīti — दीति … Indonesian dictionary
díti — दिति … Indonesian dictionary
díti-ja — दितिज … Indonesian dictionary
díti-nandana — दितिनन्दन … Indonesian dictionary
díti-suta — दितिसुत … Indonesian dictionary
díti-tanaya — दितितनय … Indonesian dictionary
Diti — In Vedic myth the daughter of Daksha, the wife of Kasyapa, the mother of the Daityas, and also of the Maruts. Originally she was akin to Aditi and represented illimitable space. She desired to have a son who would have power to slay Indra;… … Who’s Who in non-classical mythology