- trȍmōst
- trȍmōst ž 〈G -osti, I -osti/-ošću〉 {{c=0}}osobina onoga koji je trom ili svojstvo onoga što je tromo{{/c}}
Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika. 2013.
Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika. 2013.
tro|po|sphere — «TROH puh sfihr», noun. the lowest region of the atmosphere, between the earth and the stratosphere, extending to about 10 miles above the earth s surface. Within the troposphere, there is a steady fall of temperature with increasing altitude.… … Useful english dictionary
Al-Tro Island Park — was an amusement park built near the borders of Menands and Albany, NY, in the early 20th century on Pleasure Island. The island has since been covered with fill and used to support a highway. History In the late 1800s, thousands of visitors… … Wikipedia
gas´tro|nom´i|cal|ly — gas|tro|nom|ic «GAS truh NOM ihk», adjective. of or having to do with gastronomy: »A single Michelin rosette the gastronomic beacon by which even the most parochial tourist now plots his course (Harper s). –gas´tro|nom´i|cal|ly, adverb … Useful english dictionary
gas|tro|nom|ic — «GAS truh NOM ihk», adjective. of or having to do with gastronomy: »A single Michelin rosette the gastronomic beacon by which even the most parochial tourist now plots his course (Harper s). –gas´tro|nom´i|cal|ly, adverb … Useful english dictionary
as|tro|phys|ics — «AS troh FIHZ ihks», noun. the branch of astronomy that deals with the physical characteristics of celestial bodies, such as luminosity, temperature, size, mass, and density, and also their chemical composition: »With the advent of the… … Useful english dictionary
e|lec|tro|gen|e|sis — «ih LEHK truh JEHN uh sihs», noun. electrogenic activity; production of electricity: »The most important role of electrogenesis in animals is in…the propagation of nerve impulses (Barry D. Lindley) … Useful english dictionary
ex|tro|vert|ed — «EHKS truh VUR tihd», adjective. characterized by extroversion; sociable: »He lived and breathed politics, and he felt most at home in the company of robust, extroverted cronies (New Yorker). Also, extraverted … Useful english dictionary
ni|tro|gen — «NY truh juhn», noun. a gas without color, taste, or odor that forms about four fifths of the air by volume. It is one of the most important chemical elements and is needed for the growth of all plants. Nitrogen is also a necessary part of all… … Useful english dictionary
List of BattleMechs — BattleMechs are robotic war machines central to the BattleTech wargaming and science fiction series. Mechs feature prominently in the franchise s board games, computer games and published fiction, and vary considerably in size, power, speed, and… … Wikipedia
Share taxi — State / Territory / Region Name used Albania Furgon Algeria Taxis collectifs … Wikipedia