- bȍdōvnī
- bȍdōvn|ī prid. {{c=0}}koji se odnosi na bodove, koji se izražava u bodovima {{/c}}[∼a lista]
Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika. 2013.
Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika. 2013.
Translations of Frère Jacques — The song Frère Jacques is well known in English speaking countries in both its French and English forms. Many other translations and versions exist; some are an exact structural match to the French version, while others vary in the details to… … Wikipedia
Frère Jacques — ist ein französisches Kinderlied, das im deutschen Sprachraum unter dem Titel Bruder Jakob oder Meister Jakob bekannt ist. Es handelt sich, trotz der wenigen Liedzeilen, um einen vierstimmigen Kanon, der durch seine einprägsame Melodie bei… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Nahoun, Philippe — (February 8, 1949, Paris, France ) A former stage actor and playwright, he notably authored six plays for Rainer Werner Fassbinder. He also played in films (1977 La Machine, Paul Vecchiali; 1984 Histoire du Caporal, Jean Baronnet, 1988 Taba… … Encyclopedia of French film directors