
stjȕārd m {{c=0}}1. {{001f}}domaćin, {{/c}}{{c=1}}usp. {{ref}}stjuardesa{{/ref}} {{/c}}{{c=0}}2. {{001f}}{{/c}}pov. {{c=0}}u anglosaskim velikaškim kućama domar; majordom
{{/c}}✧ {{001f}}engl.

Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika. 2013.

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  • stew·ard — /ˈstuːwɚd, Brit ˈstjuːwəd/ noun, pl ards [count] 1 : a person and especially a man whose job is to serve meals and take care of passengers on a train, airplane, or ship compare ↑flight attendant 2 a : someone who protects or is responsible for… …   Useful english dictionary

  • stew·ard·ship — /ˈstuːwɚdˌʃıp, Brit ˈstjuːwədˌʃıp/ noun [noncount] : the activity or job of protecting and being responsible for something usually + of the stewardship of their investments/estate the stewardship of our natural resources …   Useful english dictionary

  • steward — stew‧ard [ˈstjuːəd ǁ ˈstuːərd] noun [countable] 1. a man who serves food and drinks to passengers on a plane or ship 2. also shop steward HUMAN RESOURCES a worker who is elected by members of a trade union in a facto …   Financial and business terms

  • stewardess — stew‧ard‧ess [ˈstjuːəds ǁ ˈstuːərd ] noun [countable] a woman who serves food and drinks to passengers on a plane or ship * * * stewardess UK US /ˈstjuːədes/ noun [C] TRANSPORT ► OLD FASHIONED a woman flight attendant …   Financial and business terms

  • stewardship — stew‧ard‧ship [ˈstjuːədʆɪp ǁ ˈstuːərd ] noun [uncountable] the way in which someone controls and takes care of an organization or event: • He said that the firm, under the stewardship of his assistants, would suffer no disruptions. * * *… …   Financial and business terms

  • steward — stew|ard [ˈstju:əd US ˈstu:ərd] n [: Old English; Origin: stiweard hall guard , from sti ( STY) + weard ( WARD1)] 1.) a man whose job is to serve food and drinks to passengers on a plane or ship →↑flight attendant 2.) someone who is in charge of… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • stewardess — stew|ard|ess [ˈstju:ədıs US ˈstu:ərd ] n a woman whose job is to serve food and drinks to passengers on a plane or ship →↑flight attendant …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • stewardship — stew|ard|ship [ˈstju:ədʃıp US ˈstu:ərd ] n [U] someone s stewardship of something is the way that they control or protect it stewardship of ▪ Some critics have doubts about his stewardship of the nation. under sb s stewardship ▪ The farm was… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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