skut — skȗt m <G skúta, N mn skúti/skútovi> DEFINICIJA 1. a. donji kraj ženske haljine ili suknje b. prednji dio odjeće koja pri sjedenju pokriva koljeno; krilo 2. pren. okrilje, zaštita, obrana [hvatati se za čiji skut tražiti čiju pomoć,… … Hrvatski jezični portal
skut — skut·te·rud·ite; … English syllables
Skŭt — Sp Skètas Ap Скът/Skŭt L u. ŠV Bulgarijoje … Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė
skut — … Useful english dictionary
Piotr Skut — ( Piotr Szut ) is a character from The Adventures of Tintin series of classic comic books drawn and written by Hergé. He is an eyepatch wearing Estonian pilot and radio expert, who appears in two albums: The Red Sea Sharks and Flight 714 .The… … Wikipedia
bljȅskūt — m rij. ekspr. 1. {{001f}}jednokratno pojavljivanje laganoga blijeska; proplamsaj, svjetlucanje 2. {{001f}}blijesak … Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika
Skutterudit — Skut|te|ru|dịt [nach dem norw. Ort Skutterud unweit Oslo; ↑ it (2)], der; s, e; Syn.: Speis Kobalt, Smaltin: (Co, Ni)As3; hellgraues Cobaltmineral. * * * Skutterudịt [nach dem norwegischen Ort Skutterud bei Drammen] der, s/ e, Mineral, der… … Universal-Lexikon
scutter — /skut euhr/, v.i., n. Brit. Dial. scurry. [1775 85; var. of SCUTTLE2] * * * … Universalium
scuttlebutt — /skut l but /, n. 1. Naut. a. an open cask of drinking water. b. a drinking fountain for use by the crew of a vessel. 2. Informal. rumor or gossip. [1795 1805; 1900 05 for def. 2; SCUTTLE3 + BUTT4] * * * … Universalium
scutwork — /skut werrk /, n. Informal. menial, routine work, as that done by an underling: the scutwork of scrubbing pots and pans. Also, scut work. [1960 65; scut ( < ?) + WORK] * * * … Universalium