- pȑhūt
- pȑhūt1 ž 〈G -uti〉, {{c=1}}v. {{ref}}perut{{/ref}}{{/c}}————————pȑhūt2 m 〈G -a〉 {{c=0}}naglo polijetanje ptice (uz lepet krila), čas kad ptica prhne{{/c}}
Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika. 2013.
Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika. 2013.
Hut — may refer to:*Hut (dwelling) ** Mountain hut *Hans Hut (1490 1527), an Anabaptist leader *Hut Records, a British audio records company *Sunglass Hut International, largest American retailer of sunglasses *Software Hut, a computer software… … Wikipedia
Hut 6 — was a wartime section of Bletchley Park tasked with the solution of German Army and Air Force Enigma machine ciphers. Hut 8, by contrast, attacked Naval Enigma. Hut 6 was established at the initiative of Gordon Welchman, and was run initially by… … Wikipedia
Hut-Point-Halbinsel — Hut Point mit dem Royal Society Gebirge am Horizont und Scotts Hütte im Vordergrund Gewässer 1 Erebus Bucht ( … Deutsch Wikipedia
Hut Point — DMS … Deutsch Wikipedia
Hut Point-Halbinsel — DMS … Deutsch Wikipedia
Hut 8 — was a section at Bletchley Park (the British World War II codebreaking station) tasked with solving German naval Enigma messages. The section was led initially by Alan Turing. He was succeeded by his deputy Conel Hugh O Donel Alexander in… … Wikipedia
Hut-nesu — Hut nesu in Hieroglyphen … Deutsch Wikipedia
Hut Point Peninsula — (coord|77|46|S|166|51|E|) is a long, narrow land mass from 2 to 3 miles (4.8 km) wide and 15 miles (24 km) long, projecting southwest from the slopes of Mount Erebus on Ross Island.The Discovery Expedition (1901 04) under Scott built its hut on… … Wikipedia
Hut 7 — was a wartime section of the Government Code and Cypher School in Bletchley Park tasked with the solution of Japanese naval codes such as JN4, JN11, JN40, and JN25 [cite book |last=Loewe |first=Michael |chapter=Chapter 26: Japanese Naval Codes… … Wikipedia
Hut-heru — Hut heru in Hieroglyphen … Deutsch Wikipedia
HUT (H.) — HUT HANS (1490 env. 1527) Prédicateur anabaptiste et fondateur de nombreuses communautés en Franconie, en Bavière, en Moravie, en Silésie et, surtout, en Autriche. Né à Haina, en Thuringe, Hans Hut (ou encore: Hutt, Huth, Huet) est pendant… … Encyclopédie Universelle