- prȍpūh
- prȍpūh m {{c=0}}struja zraka koja prolazi kroz dva nasuprotna otvora {{/c}}[sjediti (biti) na ∼u]
Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika. 2013.
Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika. 2013.
pro|tem´po|re — pro tem|po|re «proh TEHM puh ree», Latin. for the time being; temporarily: »president pro tempore, to appoint someone to an office pro tempore. –pro|tem´po|re, adjective … Useful english dictionary
pro tem|po|re — «proh TEHM puh ree», Latin. for the time being; temporarily: »president pro tempore, to appoint someone to an office pro tempore. –pro|tem´po|re, adjective … Useful english dictionary
pro|pa|nol — «PROH puh nohl, nol», noun. = propyl alcohol. (Cf. ↑propyl alcohol) ╂[< propan(e) + ol1] … Useful english dictionary
pro|pe|nyl — «PROH puh nuhl», noun. any one of certain hydrocarbon radicals of the formula C3H5 … Useful english dictionary
pro|pyl|ene — «PROH puh leen», noun. a colorless, gaseous hydrocarbon homologous with ethylene, used in organic synthesis. Formula: C3H6 ╂[< propyl + ene] … Useful english dictionary
Pro|ser|pi|na — «proh SUR puh nuh», noun. Roman Mythology. the daughter of Jupiter and Ceres. She was carried off by Pluto and made queen of the lower world, but she was allowed to spend part of each year on the earth with her mother. At that time the earth… … Useful english dictionary
Pro|ser|pi|ne — «PROS uhr pyn, proh SUR puh nee», noun. = Proserpina. (Cf. ↑Proserpina) … Useful english dictionary
pro|so|po|poe|ia — «proh SOH puh PEE uh», noun. 1. = personification. (Cf. ↑personification) 2. the representation of an imaginary or absent person as speaking or acting. ╂[< Latin prosōpopoeia < Greek prosōpopoiía < prósōpon a person, face (< prós… … Useful english dictionary
chlor|pro|pa|mide — «klr PROH puh myd, klohr », noun. a drug given orally for the treatment of mild forms of diabetes. Formula: C10H13ClN2O3S ╂[< chlor + prop(ane) + amide] … Useful english dictionary
e|tho|pro|pa|zine — «EE thuh PROH puh zeen», noun. a drug used in its hydrochloride form in the treatment of Parkinson s disease. Formula: C19H24N2S … Useful english dictionary