- nèuk
- nèuk prid. 〈odr. -ī〉 {{c=0}}koji nije stekao nikakva znanja, koji živi u neznanju; neobrazovan{{/c}}
Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika. 2013.
Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika. 2013.
neuk — neuk; ver·neuk; … English syllables
neuk — nèuk prid. <odr. ī> DEFINICIJA koji nije stekao nikakva znanja, koji živi u neznanju; neobrazovan ETIMOLOGIJA ne + v. učiti … Hrvatski jezični portal
neuk- — neuk English meaning: dark, indistinct Deutsche Übersetzung: “dunkel, undeutlich, von Gesichts and Gehörseindrũcken”? Material: Lat. nuscitiōsus “qui propter oculorum vitium parum videret”, next to which with l (after lux,… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
neuk — [nyo͞ok] n. Scot. a nook; corner … English World dictionary
neuk — noun a) A corner; a nook. A fairy fiddler frae the neuk, [nook]<!This is an annotation in the original to explain the word neuk Robert Burns , by William Allan Neilson (1917) b) A bend (e.g. in a coast) …the fleet, after exploring the harbours … Wiktionary
neuk — ˈnyük chiefly Scotland variant of nook * * * /nyoohk/, n. Scot. nook. * * * neuk /nük or nūk/ noun A Scots form of ↑nook * * * neuk «nyook», noun. Scottish. nook (recess or corner). * * * neuk Sc. f. nook … Useful english dictionary
neuk — I Cleveland Dialect List a corner, nook... of field, room, box etc.: t neuk shop II A Geordie Dictionary Nook … English dialects glossary
neúk — a o prid. (ȗ ū) star. neizobražen, nešolan: razumeli so ga brez težave tudi neuki ljudje / v teh stvareh je precej neuk neveden, nepoučen … Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika
neuk — /nyoohk/, n. Scot. nook. * * * … Universalium
East Neuk — The East Neuk or East Neuk of Fife is a geographically ill defined area of the coast of Fife, Scotland, which nonetheless stirs local passions. Neuk is the Scots word for nook or corner, and the East Neuk is generally accepted to comprise the… … Wikipedia