
kȁvul m bot. reg. {{c=0}}cvjetača, {{001f}}{{/c}}{{c=1}}usp.{{/c}}

Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika. 2013.

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  • vul´gar|iz´er — vul|gar|ize «VUHL guh ryz», transitive verb, ized, iz|ing. 1. to make vulgar or common; degrade or debase: »Signs and advertisements along a road often vulgarize the countryside. 2. to make common or popular. –vul´gar|i|za´tion, noun.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • vul´gar|i|za´tion — vul|gar|ize «VUHL guh ryz», transitive verb, ized, iz|ing. 1. to make vulgar or common; degrade or debase: »Signs and advertisements along a road often vulgarize the countryside. 2. to make common or popular. –vul´gar|i|za´tion, noun.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • vul|gar|ize — «VUHL guh ryz», transitive verb, ized, iz|ing. 1. to make vulgar or common; degrade or debase: »Signs and advertisements along a road often vulgarize the countryside. 2. to make common or popular. –vul´gar|i|za´tion, noun. –vul´gar|iz´er, noun …   Useful english dictionary

  • Vul|ca|ni|an — «vuhl KAY nee uhn», adjective. 1. = volcanic. (Cf. ↑volcanic) 2. having to do with metalworking. 3. Especially British. Plutonic. Vul|ca|ni|an «vuhl KAY nee uhn», adjective. 1. having to do with, characteristic of, or made by Vulcan. 2. of or… …   Useful english dictionary

  • vul|ca|ni|an — «vuhl KAY nee uhn», adjective. 1. = volcanic. (Cf. ↑volcanic) 2. having to do with metalworking. 3. Especially British. Plutonic. Vul|ca|ni|an «vuhl KAY nee uhn», adjective. 1. having to do with, characteristic of, or made by Vulcan. 2. of or… …   Useful english dictionary

  • vul|gus — vul|gus1 «VUHL guhs», noun, plural gus|es. the common people; the crowd. ╂[< Latin vulgus] vul|gus2 «VUHL guhs», noun, plural gus|es. British. (in some public schools) a short set of Latin verses on a given subject to …   Useful english dictionary

  • vul´ner|a|ble|ness — vul|ner|a|ble «VUHL nuhr uh buhl», adjective. 1. that can be wounded or injured; open to attack: »Pollution of its drinking water left the city vulnerable to disease. Achilles was vulnerable only in his heel. 2. sensitive to criticism,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • vul|ner|a|ble — «VUHL nuhr uh buhl», adjective. 1. that can be wounded or injured; open to attack: »Pollution of its drinking water left the city vulnerable to disease. Achilles was vulnerable only in his heel. 2. sensitive to criticism, temptations, or… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Vul|pec|u|la — «vuhl PEHK yuh luh», noun, genitive Vul|pec|u|lae. a small northern constellation lying between Hercules and Pegasus; Little Fox. ╂[< Latin Vulpecula (diminutive) < vulpēs, is fox] …   Useful english dictionary

  • vul|pi|cide — vul|pi|cide1 «VUHL puh syd», noun. (in England) a person who kills a fox otherwise than by hunting with hounds. ╂[< Latin vulpēs, is fox + English cide1] vul|pi|cide2 «VUHL puh syd», noun. (in England) the act of killing a fox otherwise than… …   Useful english dictionary

  • vul´ture|like´ — vul|ture «VUHL chuhr», noun. 1. a large bird of prey related to the eagles, falcons, and hawks, that eats the flesh of dead animals. Vultures usually have featherless heads and necks, weak talons, and keen sight. They comprise two families, one… …   Useful english dictionary

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