
júne sr {{c=0}}({{/c}}júnac m{{c=0}},{{/c}} jùnica ž{{c=0}}){{/c}} 〈G -ta, zb. jȕnād〉 agr. {{c=0}}goveče koje još nije za rasplod
⃞ {{001f}}{{/c}}kud ide ∼ nek ide i uže {{c=0}}kad je vrag odnio kravu nek nosi i uže, {{/c}}{{c=1}}usp. {{ref}}krava ⃞{{/ref}}{{/c}}

Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika. 2013.

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  • June — is the sixth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar, with a length of 30 days. The month is named after the Roman goddess Juno, wife of Jupiter and equivalent to the Greek goddess Hera. See: Months in various calendarsAt the start of June,… …   Wikipedia

  • June — (engl. Juni) bezeichnet: June (Vorname), ein im englischen Sprachraum gebräuchlicher Vorname June (Sänger), ein koreanischer R B Sänger JUNe, das Jabber University Network June ist der Name folgender Orte: June (Missouri), ein Ort in Newton… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • June — [dʒu:n] n [U and C] written abbreviation Jun. [Date: 1200 1300; : French; Origin: juin, from Latin Junius, probably from the name of an ancient Roman family] the sixth month of the year, between May and July next/last June ▪ I finished school… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • june — JÚNE, Ă, juni, e, adj., subst. 1. adj., s.m. şi f. (Astăzi rar) Tânăr. ♢ June prim = actor care interpretează roluri de tânăr îndrăgostit. 2. s.m. (reg.) Holtei, burlac, becher. – lat. juvenis. Trimis de cata, 17.01.2006. Sursa …   Dicționar Român

  • June — June, n. [L. Junius: cf. F. Juin. So called either from Junius, the name of a Roman gens, or from Juno, the goddess.] The sixth month of the year, containing thirty days. [1913 Webster] And what is so rare as a day in June? Then, if ever, come… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • June of 44 — was an American rock band which was formed in 1994 from ex members of Rodan, Lungfish, Codeine, Rex, The Crownhate Ruin and Hoover. Clearly influenced by Slint, the band s music is often described as math rock . The band s name refers to June… …   Wikipedia

  • June — [ dʒun ] noun count or uncount *** the sixth month of the year, between May and July: I ll finish school in June. Our last class is on June 5th. I started looking for a job last June …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • June — ► NOUN ▪ the sixth month of the year. ORIGIN from Latin Junius mensis month of June , from Junonius sacred to the goddess Juno …   English terms dictionary

  • June — f English: the most successful and enduring of the names coined in the early 20th century from the names of months of the year (cf. APRIL (SEE April) and MAY (SEE May)) …   First names dictionary

  • June — c.1100, from L. Iunius (mensis), probably a variant of Iunonius, sacred to Juno (see JUNO (Cf. Juno)). Replaced O.E. liðe se ærra earlier mildness …   Etymology dictionary

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