groteska — grotèska ž <D L sci/ i, G mn gròtesākā/ ī> DEFINICIJA 1. a. umj. likovno i verbalno prikazivanje ljudi ili životinja u neobičnom, fantastičnom, nakaznom ili komičnom obliku b. razg. svojstvo onoga što je neobično, čudno, smiješno, nakazno,… … Hrvatski jezični portal
groteska — {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}rz. ż Ib, CMc. groteskasce; lm D. groteskasek {{/stl 8}}{{stl 7}} utwór literacki, teatralny, filmowy, plastyczny lub muzyczny ukazujący rzeczywistość zdeformowaną, absurdalną, karykaturalnie przejaskrawioną; niejednolity,… … Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień
grotéska — e ž (ẹ̑) lit. delo, ki na grozljivo smešen način prikazuje resničnost, življenje: igrali so grotesko; politična groteska / zgodba je tipična groteska // grozljivo smešno prikazovanje resničnosti, življenja: opaziti je pisateljevo nagnjenje h… … Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika
groteska — ż III, CMs. groteskasce; lm D. groteskasek 1. «utwór literacki, muzyczny lub plastyczny o elementach komicznie przejaskrawionych, karykaturalnych lub fantastycznych» 2. szt. «ornament roślinny połączony z fantastycznymi motywami postaci ludzkich… … Słownik języka polskiego
Culture of Kraków — Kraków is considered by many to be the cultural capital of Poland.[1] It was named the European Capital of Culture by European Union for the year 2000. The city has some of the best museums in the country and several famous theaters. It became… … Wikipedia
Romana Agnel — est une danseuse, chorégraphe et historienne de l art polonaise. Elle a fait ses études à l’École de ballet de Cracovie (dans la classe de Marta Mirocka) puis en histoire de l art à l Université de Paris IV. En 1997 elle a créé la compagnie Balet … Wikipédia en Français
Kraków — For other uses, see Krakow (disambiguation) and Cracow (disambiguation). Kraków Main Market Square, Wawel Castle, Barbican, St. Mary s Basilica, St. Peter and Paul Church, Colleg … Wikipedia
Neo (constructed language) — This article is about the constructed language. For other uses, see Neo (disambiguation). Neo Created by Arturo Alfandari Date created 1961 … Wikipedia
Krystyna Zachwatowicz — Wajda (1930–), born Krystyna Zachwatowicz, is a Polish scenographer, costume designer and actress. She is a daughter of architect and restorer Jan Zachwatowicz and Maria Chodźko h. Kościesza and wife of film director Andrzej Wajda. Member of the… … Wikipedia
Petr Král — (September 4, 1941, Prague) is a Czech writer. Having graduated from FAMU, he worked as an editor in the Orbis publishing house, where he focused on a line of books about film and film makers. In 1968, he emigrated to France where he worked in a… … Wikipedia