
bòsket m reg. {{c=0}}gaj, šumica, lug {{/c}}[»S ∼a u svijetlu livadu,/Kud danju oblijeću ptice/Pada travom debeli sjen...« V. Vidrić]
✧ {{001f}}fr.

Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika. 2013.

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  • Bosket — Bos ket, Bosquet Bos quet, n. [F. bosquet a little wood, dim. fr. LL. boscus. See {Boscage}, and cf. {Bouquet}.] (Gardening) A grove; a thicket; shrubbery; an inclosure formed by branches of trees, regularly or irregularly disposed. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Bosket — Bosket, Gartenanlage, so v.w. Bosquet …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • bosket — bòsket m DEFINICIJA reg. gaj, šumica, lug ETIMOLOGIJA fr. bosquet, tal. boschetto …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • bosket — [bäs′kit] n. [Fr bosquet < OFr boschet < OIt boschetto, dim. of bosco < ML boscus: see BUSH1] a small grove; thicket …   English World dictionary

  • Bosket — Recorded as Bosket, Boscott, Boskett, but ultimately Bosquet, this is a French Huguenot refugee surname. It is a very good example of these surnames which formed such an important part of the changing social and industrial scenes of the late 17th …   Surnames reference

  • bosket — /bos kit/, n. a grove; thicket. Also, bosquet. [1730 40; earlier bosquet < F < It boschetto, equiv. to bosc(o) wood (see BUSH1) + etto ET] * * * …   Universalium

  • bosket — noun /ˈbɒskɪt/ A small grove or copse of trees, a thicket. When he returned from a swim in the broad and deep brook beyond the bosquet, with wet hair and tingling skin, Van got the rare treat of finding his foreglimpse of live ivory accurately… …   Wiktionary

  • bosket — n. small grove (also bosquet) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • bosket — bos·ket …   English syllables

  • bosket — /ˈbɒskət/ (say boskuht) noun a grove; a thicket. Also, bosquet. {French bosquet, from Italian boschetto, diminutive of bosco wood. See bush1} …  

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