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Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika. 2013.

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  • Sno*Drift — is a rally racing event held in Atlanta, Michigan, annually. The event is currently the first Rally America National Rally Championship event of the season. Currently the event is organized into three distinct rallies: the national championship… …   Wikipedia

  • Sno-Jet — was a brand of snowmobile first produced in Quebec, Canada in 1965. They quickly proved popular and grew to be one of the highest selling make of snowmobiles until the early 1970 s, helping usher the then new sport of snowmobiling into Canada and …   Wikipedia

  • SNO+ — is an underground physics experiment under construction (as of February 2008) that makes use of the equipment already installed underground for the (no longer operating) Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) experiment at SNOLAB. The main physics… …   Wikipedia

  • Sno*Drift 2005 — was a car rally held on January 28 29 January 2005 as part of the Rally America ProRally and ClubRally series around Atlanta, Michigan. It was the 19th Sno*Drift event held, and the 16th to be held as part of a national series. Summary Like other …   Wikipedia

  • Snö Mountain — Location Pennsylvania, USA Nearest city Scranton, Pennsylvania Vertical 1000 feet Top elevation 2000 feet …   Wikipedia

  • Sno-Caps — are a brand of candy consisting of small pieces of semi sweet chocolate candy covered with white nonpareils. They were introduced in the late 1920s by the Blumenthal Chocolate Company. Nestlé acquired the brand in 1984. As common fare in movie… …   Wikipedia

  • Sno Balls — are cream filled chocolate cakes, which are then covered with marshmallow frosting and coconut flakes. They are marketed by Hostess. Sno Balls are usually pink; however, they are also available in white, green, and other colors, depending on the… …   Wikipedia

  • Sno*Drift 2006 — Sno*Drift 2005 was a car rally held on January 28 29 January 2005 as part of the Rally America ProRally and ClubRally series around Atlanta, Michigan. It was the 19th Sno*Drift event held, and the 16th to be held as part of a national series.… …   Wikipedia

  • sno|fa|ri — «snoh FAHR ee», noun, plural ris. an expedition into a snow or ice covered area, usually in skidoos: »Tourists are invited to take a 20 mile guided snofari for £15 (London Times). ╂[< sno(w) + (sa)fari] …   Useful english dictionary

  • Sno — Sno: Symbol für das Ribonukleosid Thioinosin in Polynukleotidformeln …   Universal-Lexikon

  • snȍb — m 〈N mn snòbovi〉 onaj koji se bez potrebne otmjenosti i upućenosti nastoji ponašati i prikazati u javnosti na način pripadnika društvene, intelektualne elite ✧ {{001f}}engl., lat …   Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika

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