- zȁmr̄lōst
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Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika. 2013.
Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika. 2013.
Lost : Les Disparus — Lost Les Disparus Titre original Lost Autres titres francophones Perdus (Québec) Lost (Belgique, Suisse) Genre Drame, aventure, science fiction, mystère … Wikipédia en Français
Lost in Translation (film) — Lost in Translation Theatrical release poster Directed by Sofia Coppola Produced by … Wikipedia
Lost Lake — is a popular name for a lake.Canada;In British Columbia *Lost Lake near Abbotsford, see Chadsey Lake *Lost Lake (Mackenzie) [http://www.bchydro.com/pwcp/pdfs/reports/pwfwcp report no 114.pdf] near Mackenzie, British Columbia *Lost Lake (Powell… … Wikipedia
Lost Highway (Bon Jovi album) — Lost Highway Studio album by Bon Jovi Released June 8, 2007 ( … Wikipedia
Lost Lake — ist der Name mehrerer Seen. in Kanada: In British Columbia: Lost Lake (Mackenzie) Lost Lake (Powell River) Lost Lake (Whistler) In anderen Provinzen: Lost Lake (Ontario) Lost Lake (Saskatchewan) Lost Lake (Quebec) in den Vereinigte Staaten In… … Deutsch Wikipedia
LOST PROPERTY — (Heb. avedah u meẓi ah; lit. lost and found ). The Basis of the Law Lost property, called avedah, is property which has passed out of its owner s possession and whose whereabouts are unknown to him. Both criteria must exist together for the… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Lost counties, cities, and towns of Virginia — Lost counties, cities and towns of Virginia are those which formerly existed in the English Colony of Virginia, or the Commonwealth of Virginia after it became a state.This article focuses on the some of the lost cities, counties, and towns (both … Wikipedia
Lost asteroid — Lost asteroids or lost planets are asteroids that observers lose track of after discovering. Many early lost asteroids were rediscovered in the 1980s and 1990s, but a number of asteroids and other types of small Solar System bodies continue to be … Wikipedia
Lost Odyssey — Обложка европейского издания Разработчик Mistwalker, feelplus Издатель Microsoft Game Studios … Википедия
Lost lands — are continents, islands or other regions believed by some to have existed during prehistory, but to have since disappeared as a result of catastrophic geological phenomena or slowly rising sea levels since the end of the last Ice Age. Lost lands … Wikipedia
Lost Odyssey — Entwickler Mistwalker, feelplus Publisher … Deutsch Wikipedia