
tribàlist {{c=0}}({{/c}}tribalı̏st{{c=0}}){{/c}} m {{c=0}}({{/c}}tribàlistkinja ž{{c=0}}){{/c}} {{c=0}}onaj koji radi u znaku tribalizma{{/c}}

Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika. 2013.

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  • tribalist — tribàlist (tribalȉst) m DEFINICIJA onaj koji radi u znaku tribalizma ETIMOLOGIJA vidi tribalizam …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • tribalist — tribalíst adj. m., pl. tribalíşti; f. sg. tribalístă, pl. tribalíste Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic …   Dicționar Român

  • tribalist — tribal ► ADJECTIVE ▪ of or characteristic of a tribe or tribes. ► NOUN (tribals) ▪ members of tribal communities. DERIVATIVES tribalism noun tribalist noun tribally adverb …   English terms dictionary

  • tribalist — See tribalism. * * * …   Universalium

  • tribalist — noun A person who identifies with, or has loyalty to a tribe or similar group See Also: tribalism, tribalistic …   Wiktionary

  • tribalist — trib·al·ist …   English syllables

  • tribalist — ələ̇st noun ( s) : an advocate of tribalism …   Useful english dictionary

  • tribalism — tribalist, n. tribalistic, adj. /truy beuh liz euhm/, n. 1. the customs and beliefs of tribal life and society. 2. strong loyalty to one s own tribe, party, or group. [1885 90; TRIBAL + ISM] * * * …   Universalium

  • Ishmael (novel) — Ishmael   Recent paperback edition …   Wikipedia

  • tribalism — /ˈtraɪbəlɪzəm/ (say truybuhlizuhm) noun 1. the customs and belief of a tribe or tribes. 2. loyalty to one s tribe, group, etc. –tribalist, noun –tribalist, adjective –tribalistic /traɪbəˈlɪstɪk/ (say truybuh listik), adjective …  

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