
tȍbogān m {{c=0}}1. {{001f}}{{/c}}etnol. {{c=0}}plitke saonice od brezovih dasaka, u uporabi kanadskih Indijanaca 2. {{001f}}{{/c}}sport {{c=0}}vrsta sanjki 3. {{001f}}naprava sa žljebastom glatkom, kosom površinom za klizanje – spuštanje na dječjim igralištima ili kupalištima
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Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika. 2013.

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  • Bogan (disambiguation) — Bogan can refer to:*Bogan, a pejorative term used in Australia and New Zealand *Boggart or bogan, a creature in Celtic mythology *Bogan, a term used by George Lucas in his early Star Wars drafts that refers to the dark side of the Force *Bogan… …   Wikipedia

  • Bogan Shire — Lage des Bogan Shire in New South Wales Gliederung Staat …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • bogan — is Australian (especially teenage) slang for someone who is not with it in terms of behaviour and appearance, someone who is not us ; hence, someone horrible, contemptible. Some lexicographers have suspected that the term may derive from the… …   Australian idioms

  • Bogan — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Louise Bogan (1897–1970), US amerikanische Dichterin und Literaturkritikerin Lucille Bogan (1897–1948), US amerikanische Vaudeville und Bluessängerin, Songwriterin und Gitarristin Diese Seite ist eine …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Bogan — Bogan, Fluß in Neu Süd Wales (Australien), entspringt in der Gebirgskette Harvey, fließt im Allgemeinen in nordwestlicher Richtung u. ergießt sich in den Darling, Nebenfluß des Murray …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Bogan — The term bogan (pronEng|ˈboʊgən, rhyming with slogan ) is Australian and New Zealand English slang, usually pejorative, for a person who is, or is perceived to be, of a lower class background. According to the stereotype, the speech and… …   Wikipedia

  • Bogan, Louise — ▪ American poet and literary critic born August 11, 1897, Livermore Falls, Maine, U.S. died February 4, 1970, New York, New York       American poet and literary critic who served as poetry critic for The New Yorker (New Yorker, The) from 1931… …   Universalium

  • Bogan Gate, New South Wales — Infobox Australian Place | type = town name = Bogan Gate state = nsw caption = lga = Parkes Shire Council postcode = 2876 est = pop = 253 pop footnotes = elevation= maxtemp = mintemp = rainfall = stategov = Dubbo fedgov = Calare dist1 = 398 dir1 …   Wikipedia

  • Bogan Shire Council — Infobox Australian Place | type = lga name = Bogan Shire state = nsw caption = Location in New South Wales pop = 3,105 cite web publisher = Australian Bureau of Statistics title=Regional Population Growth, Australia, 2004 05 url =… …   Wikipedia

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