
sàruk m 〈N mn -uci〉 reg. etnol. {{c=0}}čalma
{{/c}}✧ {{001f}}tur.

Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika. 2013.

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  • saruk — sàruk m <N mn uci> DEFINICIJA reg. etnol. čalma ETIMOLOGIJA tur. sarık ← sarmak: zamotati …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • saruk — Usage: usually capitalized variant of sarouk * * * /seuh roohk /, n. Sarouk. * * * Saruk var. Sarouk …   Useful english dictionary

  • Sarūk carpet — Sarūk also spelled  Sarouk   originally, floor covering handwoven in the village of Sārūq, north of Arāk (Solṭānābād) in western Iran; later, floor covering commercially produced mainly in Arāk but also in the weaving villages nearby for the U.S …   Universalium

  • Saruk — /seuh roohk /, n. Sarouk. * * * …   Universalium

  • Saruk — Sa|rugh, (auch:) Sa|ruk [ zarʊk], der; [s], s [nach dem iran. Ort Sarugh]: Teppich in Blau , Rot u. Cremetönen mit Blumen , Palmetten u. Heratinmuster u. kurzem Flor …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Alfombra de Saruk — Saruk adjuntar una fotografía Procedencia Saruk Tipo de nudo Nudo persa Tipo de trabajo …   Wikipedia Español

  • Saruk, Israel — (fl. 16th 17th cent)    Egyptian kabbalist. He created his own version of Isaac Luria s doctrines. From 1594 to 1600 he propounded his views in Italy and founded a school of kabbalists. Subsequently he lived in Ragusa and Salonica. He produced… …   Dictionary of Jewish Biography

  • SARUG (Saruk), ISRAEL — (fl. 1590–1610), Egyptian kabbalist. Sarug probably belonged to an Egyptian family of rabbinic scholars with kabbalistic leanings. A manuscript written in 1565 in cairo (British Museum 759) was copied for Isaac Sarug; Israel Sarug, whose… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Menahem ben Saruk — (c. 910 c. 970)    Spanish Hebrew lexicographer. He was born in Tortosa. He served as the secretary of Hasdai ibn Shaprut, but was dismissed and persecuted for his heretical views. His Mahberet, the first Hebrew dictionary, was attacked by Dunash …   Dictionary of Jewish Biography

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