
sȕhād ž 〈G -i, I -ađu/i〉 {{c=0}}suho granje{{/c}}

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  • Had gadya — Had gadia Un chevreau Had gadia (en araméen: חַד גַדְיָה Had gadia, « un petit chevreau ») est une chanson juive écrite dans un araméen entrecoupé d hébreu. C est la dernière chanson du séder de pessa h avant le chant final L shana Ha… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Had — (h[a^]d), imp. & p. p. of {Have}. [OE. had, hafde, hefde, AS. h[ae]fde.] See {Have}. [1913 Webster] {Had as lief}, {Had rather}, {Had better}, {Had as soon}, etc., with a nominative and followed by the infinitive without to, are well established… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Had as lief — Had Had (h[a^]d), imp. & p. p. of {Have}. [OE. had, hafde, hefde, AS. h[ae]fde.] See {Have}. [1913 Webster] {Had as lief}, {Had rather}, {Had better}, {Had as soon}, etc., with a nominative and followed by the infinitive without to, are well… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Had as soon — Had Had (h[a^]d), imp. & p. p. of {Have}. [OE. had, hafde, hefde, AS. h[ae]fde.] See {Have}. [1913 Webster] {Had as lief}, {Had rather}, {Had better}, {Had as soon}, etc., with a nominative and followed by the infinitive without to, are well… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Had better — Had Had (h[a^]d), imp. & p. p. of {Have}. [OE. had, hafde, hefde, AS. h[ae]fde.] See {Have}. [1913 Webster] {Had as lief}, {Had rather}, {Had better}, {Had as soon}, etc., with a nominative and followed by the infinitive without to, are well… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Had rather — Had Had (h[a^]d), imp. & p. p. of {Have}. [OE. had, hafde, hefde, AS. h[ae]fde.] See {Have}. [1913 Webster] {Had as lief}, {Had rather}, {Had better}, {Had as soon}, etc., with a nominative and followed by the infinitive without to, are well… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • had — 1. had better. See better 1. 2. had have. This occurs with unreal (or unfulfilled) propositions in the past, constructed either with if (or an equivalent construction) as in the sentence If I had have known, I would have said something or with a… …   Modern English usage

  • had better, had rather — Had better is widely used in giving advice or issuing a mild threat: We had better get started before midnight. You had better apologize to me for that remark. The phrase had best can be substituted for had better in such expressions. Neither is… …   Dictionary of problem words and expressions

  • Had Nes 229 — (Had Nes,Израиль) Категория отеля: Адрес: Had Nes 229, Had Nes, 12950, Израиль …   Каталог отелей

  • ḤAD GADYA — (Aram. חַד גַּדְיָא; An Only Kid ), initial phrase and name of a popular Aramaic song chanted at the conclusion of the Passover seder . Composed of ten stanzas, the verse runs as follows: A father bought a kid for two zuzim; a cat came and ate… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Had I but known — is a form of foreshadowing that hints at some looming disaster in which the first person narrator laments his or her course of action which precipitates some or other unfortunate series of actions. Classically, the narrator never makes explicit… …   Wikipedia

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