- strȗg
- strȗg1 m {{c=0}}sporedni rukavac potoka ili rijeke{{/c}}————————strȗg2 m 〈N mn strȕgovi〉 {{c=0}}tokarski stroj{{/c}}
Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika. 2013.
Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika. 2013.
Strug — Ajouter une image Administration Nom cyrillique Струг Pays Montenegro !Monténégr … Wikipédia en Français
Strug — ist: ein historischer russischer Bootstyp der Nachname von Kerri Strug (* 1977), US amerikanische Turnerin StRuG ist: die Abkürzung für Studienkreis Rundfunk und Geschichte Diese Seite ist … Deutsch Wikipedia
strug — strug·gler; strug·gle; strug·gling·ly; … English syllables
strug — s. v. rug. Trimis de siveco, 07.10.2008. Sursa: Sinonime STRUG struguri n. reg. 1) Unealtă de tâmplărie folosită la cojirea (şi cioplirea) unui lemn (rotund); cuţitoaie. 2) rar v. STRUNG. /<sl. strugu Trimis de siveco, 07.10.2008. Sursa:… … Dicționar Român
Strug — (russ., Mehrzahl Strugi), ein großer Kahn, bes. auf der Düna u. dem Niemen … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
strug — {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}rz. mnż IIa, D. a {{/stl 8}}{{stl 7}} narzędzie stolarskie z wysuwanym ostrzem, używane do wyrównywania, wygładzania powierzchni drewna; hebel {{/stl 7}} … Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień
strug — m III, D. a, N. struggiem; lm M. i «narzędzie stolarskie drewniane (rzadziej metalowe), z wymiennym ostrzem stalowym, służące do wyrównywania i wygładzania powierzchni drewna» Nóż, ostrze struga. ∆ roln. Strug łąkowy «konne narzędzie rolnicze w… … Słownik języka polskiego
STRUG, KERRI — (1977– ), U.S. gymnast, Olympic medal winner, member of the U.S. Gymnastics Hall of Fame, and 1996 U.S. Olympic Spirit Award recipient. Strug was a gifted child in gymnastics, and at the age of 13 her parents allowed her to leave her home in… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
strug´gler — strug|gle «STRUHG uhl», verb, gled, gling, noun. –v.i. 1. to make great efforts with the body; work hard against difficulties; try hard: »The poor have to struggle for a living. The swimmer struggled against the tide. She struggled to keep back… … Useful english dictionary
strug|gle — «STRUHG uhl», verb, gled, gling, noun. –v.i. 1. to make great efforts with the body; work hard against difficulties; try hard: »The poor have to struggle for a living. The swimmer struggled against the tide. She struggled to keep back the tears.… … Useful english dictionary
strug´gling|ly — strug|gling «STRUHG lihng», adjective. 1. that struggles. 2. having a struggle to make a living: »a struggling professional man, a struggling periodical. –strug´gling|ly, adverb … Useful english dictionary