
bȅšāv|an prid. odr. -vnī〉 tehn. {{c=0}}1. {{001f}}koji nema šava 2. {{001f}}koji nema vidljivo mjesto spajanja
∆ {{001f}}{{/c}}∼na cijev tehn. {{c=0}}vrsta cijevi izrađene navlačenjem užarenog čelika na trn uz istodobno valjanje{{/c}}

Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika. 2013.

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  • Savan Kotecha — is a songwriter from Austin, TX. Savan has sold over 35 million albums with artists such as Enrique Iglesias, Carrie Underwood, and Celine Dion. He scored a # 1 in the US with Carrie Underwood’s first ever single “Inside Your Heaven.”, as well as …   Wikipedia

  • Savan Kotecha — est un auteur compositeur et coach vocal américain de Austin au Texas. Kotecha a vendu plus de 60 millions de disques avec des artistes comme Usher, Enrique Iglesias, Carrie Underwood, Britney Spears, One Direction et Céline Dion. Sommaire 1… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Savan — is one of the Grenadines islands which lie between the caribbean islands of Saint Vincent and Grenada. Politically, it is part of the nation of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines …   Wikipedia

  • savan — (ˈ)sa|väⁿ, (ˈ)sä|v , səˈv , (ˈ)sȧ|v noun ( s) Etymology: modification of obsolete French savans, plural of French savant more at savant : savant * * * savan see savant …   Useful english dictionary

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  • David Savan — (1916 – 1992) was an eminent semiotician and Charles Sanders Peirce scholar. He was a Professor in the University of Toronto, Philosophy Department, 1943 1981. He was the first recipient of the Thomas A. Sebeok fellowship.[1] References ^ Deely,… …   Wikipedia

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