
sȁblāst ž 〈I -i/-ašću〉 {{c=0}}1. {{001f}}priviđenje, prikaza, utvara 2. {{001f}}nakaza, rugoba, čudovište{{/c}}

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  • blast — blast; blast·er; blast·ie; blast·man; blast·ment; brach·y·blast; car·dio·blast; ce·ment·o·blast; chon·dro·blast; chro·mo·blast; cni·do·blast; coe·lo·blast; coe·no·blast; col·lo·blast; coun·ter·blast; cryp·to·blast; crys·tal·lo·blast; cy·to·blast; …   English syllables

  • BLAST — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda BLAST Desarrollador Altschul S.F., Gish W., Miller E.W., Lipman D.J., NCBI http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/BLAST/ Información general …   Wikipedia Español

  • BLAST (magazine) — BLAST was the short lived literary magazine of the Vorticist movement in Britain. It had two editions, the first published on 2 July 1914 [It was dated 20th June 1914, but the publication was delayed] [Blasting The Future! Black, Philip Wilson… …   Wikipedia

  • Blast Off (Transformers) — Blast Off is the name of a fictional character in the Transformers universes.Transformers: Generation 1Transformers character name =Blast Off caption = affiliation =Decepticon subgroup =Combaticons function =Space Warrior partner = motto = I… …   Wikipedia

  • Blast — (bl[.a]st), n. [AS. bl[=ae]st a puff of wind, a blowing; akin to Icel. bl[=a]str, OHG. bl[=a]st, and fr. a verb akin to Icel. bl[=a]sa to blow, OHG. bl[^a]san, Goth. bl[=e]san (in comp.); all prob. from the same root as E. blow. See {Blow} to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Blast furnace — Blast Blast (bl[.a]st), n. [AS. bl[=ae]st a puff of wind, a blowing; akin to Icel. bl[=a]str, OHG. bl[=a]st, and fr. a verb akin to Icel. bl[=a]sa to blow, OHG. bl[^a]san, Goth. bl[=e]san (in comp.); all prob. from the same root as E. blow. See… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Blast hole — Blast Blast (bl[.a]st), n. [AS. bl[=ae]st a puff of wind, a blowing; akin to Icel. bl[=a]str, OHG. bl[=a]st, and fr. a verb akin to Icel. bl[=a]sa to blow, OHG. bl[^a]san, Goth. bl[=e]san (in comp.); all prob. from the same root as E. blow. See… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Blast nozzle — Blast Blast (bl[.a]st), n. [AS. bl[=ae]st a puff of wind, a blowing; akin to Icel. bl[=a]str, OHG. bl[=a]st, and fr. a verb akin to Icel. bl[=a]sa to blow, OHG. bl[^a]san, Goth. bl[=e]san (in comp.); all prob. from the same root as E. blow. See… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • blast orifice — Blast Blast (bl[.a]st), n. [AS. bl[=ae]st a puff of wind, a blowing; akin to Icel. bl[=a]str, OHG. bl[=a]st, and fr. a verb akin to Icel. bl[=a]sa to blow, OHG. bl[^a]san, Goth. bl[=e]san (in comp.); all prob. from the same root as E. blow. See… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • BLAST-Algorithmus — BLAST (Abk. für engl. Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) ist der Überbegriff für eine Sammlung der weltweit am meisten genutzten Programme zur Analyse biologischer Sequenzdaten. BLAST wird dazu verwendet, experimentell ermittelte DNA oder Protein …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Blast! (musical) — Blast! is a Broadway production created by James Mason and Cook Group Incorporated, the director and organization formerly operating the Star of Indiana Drum and Bugle Corps. It was the 2001 Winner of the Tony Award for Best Special Theatrical… …   Wikipedia

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