- reptíli
- reptíli m mn 〈N rèptīl, G reptíla〉 zool. {{c=0}}razred kopnenih kralješnjaka (Reptilia) (gušteri, zmije, kornjače i krokodili); gmazovi{{/c}}✧ {{001f}}lat.
Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika. 2013.
Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika. 2013.
reptili — reptíli m mn <N rèptīl, G reptíla> DEFINICIJA zool. razred kopnenih kralješnjaka (Reptilia) (gušteri, zmije, kornjače i krokodili); gmazovi ETIMOLOGIJA nlat. reptilia ← lat. reptilis: koji puzi ≃ repere: puziti … Hrvatski jezični portal
Reptilien — Reptili|en [französisch reptile, von spätlateinisch reptile, zu reptilis »kriechend«, zu lateinisch repere »kriechen«], Singular Reptil das, s, Kriechtiere, Reptilia, Klasse der Wirbeltiere mit den heute lebenden Ordnungen Schildkröten,… … Universal-Lexikon
Plesiosaurus — Taxobox name = Plesiosaurus fossil range = Early Jurassic regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Sauropsida superordo = Sauropterygia ordo = Plesiosauria subordo = Plesiosauroidea familia = Plesiosauridae familia authority = Gray, 1825… … Wikipedia
Aleksandr Grigorevich Sharov — is a Russian palaeoentomologist, paleontologist and expert on Pterosauria. He worked during the 1960s and 1970s on the Karatau rocks and discovered many of the fossils, of which some have been named after him, as in the case of the Karatausuchus… … Wikipedia
Eleutherodactylus trepidotus — Pristimantis festae Pristimantis festae … Wikipédia en Français
Paludicola festae — Pristimantis festae Pristimantis festae … Wikipédia en Français
Plesiosaurus — Plesiosaurus … Wikipédia en Français
Pristimantis festae — Pristimantis festae … Wikipédia en Français
Pristimantis trepidotus — Pristimantis festae Pristimantis festae … Wikipédia en Français
reptilian — /rep til ee euhn, til yeuhn/, adj. 1. belonging or pertaining to the Reptilia. 2. groveling, debased, or despicable; contemptible. 3. mean; treacherous; harmful. n. 4. a reptile. [1840 50; < NL Reptili(a) reptiles (pl. of REPTILE, neut. of LL… … Universalium