- ȍdveć
- ȍdveć (∅, čega) pril. {{c=0}}previše, suviše, pretjerano, više nego što treba{{/c}}
Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika. 2013.
Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika. 2013.
List of vector identities — This article lists a few helpful mathematical identities which are useful in vector algebra. Triple products*vec{A} imes (vec{B} imes vec{C}) = (vec{C} imes vec{B}) imes vec{A} = vec{B}(vec{A} cdot vec{C}) vec{C}(vec{A} cdot vec{B})… … Wikipedia
Poisson process — A Poisson process, named after the French mathematician Siméon Denis Poisson (1781 ndash; 1840), is the stochastic process in which events occur continuously and independently of one another (the word event used here is not an instance of the… … Wikipedia
Streamlines, streaklines, and pathlines — Fluid flow is described in general by a vector field in three (for steady flows) or four (for non steady flows including time) dimensions. Pathlines, streamlines, and streaklines are field lines of different vector field descriptions of the flow … Wikipedia
Bogomol'nyi-Prasad-Sommerfield bound — The Bogomol nyi Prasad Sommerfeld bound is a series of inequalities for solutions of partial differential equations depending on the homotopy class of the solution at infinity. This set of inequalities is very useful for solving soliton equations … Wikipedia
Vlasov equation — is a system of non linear integro differential equations describing dynamics of plasma consisting of charged particles with long range (for example, Coulomb) interaction. The equations were first suggested for description of plasma by Anatoly… … Wikipedia
Infraparticle — In electrodynamics and quantum electrodynamics, in addition to the global U(1) symmetry related to the electric charge, we also have position dependent gauge transformations. Noether s theorem states for every infinitesimal symmetry… … Wikipedia
Micromagnetism — General= Micromagnetism deals with the interactions between magnetic moments on sub micrometre length scales. These are governed by several competing energy terms. Dipolar energy is the energy which causes magnets to align north to south pole.… … Wikipedia
Proper acceleration — [Edwin F. Taylor John Archibald Wheeler (1966 1st ed. only) Spacetime Physics (W.H. Freeman, San Francisco) ISBN 0 7167 0336 X] is the physical acceleration experienced by an object. It equals the rate of change of proper velocity with respect to … Wikipedia
двести — укр. двiстi, др. русск., ст. слав. дъвѣ сътѣ, болг. двесте, сербохорв. двjе̏ста, диал. двjе̏сти, словен. dvȇsto, чеш. dvěstě, слвц. dvesto, польск. dwiescie, в. луж., н. луж. dwěscě. Праслав. *dъvě sъtě, стар. им. вин. дв.; см. два и сто.… … Этимологический словарь русского языка Макса Фасмера
Four-velocity — In physics, in particular in special relativity and general relativity, the four velocity of an object is a four vector (vector in four dimensional spacetime) that replaces classical velocity (a three dimensional vector). It is chosen in such a… … Wikipedia