
ȍbuka ž 〈D L ȍbuci〉 {{c=0}}1. {{001f}}davanje i primanje znanja u okviru nastave, prenošenje znanja učenicima 2. {{001f}}{{/c}}razg. {{c=0}}nastava{{/c}}

Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika. 2013.

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  • Buka Island — is the second largest island in the Papua New Guinean province of Bougainville. History Buka was first occupied by humans in paleolithic times, some 30,000 years ago. The present inhabitants speak languages that in all likelihood stem from the… …   Wikipedia

  • Buka ball — is a Thai game similar to volleyball, except played with only the feet. Buka Ball uses a woven plastic ball that is easier to kick.The goal in any form of takraw is to keep the Buka off the ground for as long as possible using any part of your… …   Wikipedia

  • Buka — und Bougainville Gewässer Pazifischer Ozean Inselgrup …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Buka Entertainment — ( Бука ) is Russian software development and distribution company. About the company Buka Entertainment, founded in 1994 in Moscow and with six branch offices across Russia is a thriving creator, publisher, and distributor of first rate PC games… …   Wikipedia

  • Buka-Mosaikschwanzratte — Systematik Unterordnung: Mäuseverwandte (Myomorpha) Überfamilie: Mäuseartige (Muroidea) Familie: Langschwanzmäuse (Muridae) Unterf …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Buka — can refer to:* Buka, Papua New Guinea, the war capital of Bougainville Province. * Buka Island is the second largest island in the Papua New Guinean province of Bougainville. * Buka Entertainment, a computer game publisher * Buka (music), the… …   Wikipedia

  • Buka — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda La Isla de Buka es una isla perteneciente a Papúa Nueva Guinea, aunque geográficamente pertenece al archipiélago de las Islas Salomón. Se trata de la segunda de mayor extensión de la provincia de Bougainville. La… …   Wikipedia Español

  • buka — bȕka ž <D L bȕci, G mn bȗkā> DEFINICIJA 1. neželjen, uznemirujući zvuk; galama, graja, vika 2. pren. odjek u određenim krugovima ili u javnosti zbog nekog zanimljivog, skandaloznog i sl. događaja [mnogo buke ni oko čega; moramo dignuti buku …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • Buka, Papua New Guinea — Buka is situated on Buka Island, Bougainville Province, Papua New Guinea. It has been the capital of the province during the Bougainville civil war. The former, or proper capital of Bougainville, Arawa was all but destroyed in 1990 as tensions… …   Wikipedia

  • Buka-Dolch — Angaben Waffenart: Dolch Verwendung …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • BUKA — Petite île (56 km sur 14) de l’archipel des îles Salomon située au nord de Bougainville. Comme cette dernière, Buka fait partie de la province des North Solomons de Papouasie Nouvelle Guinée. Une chaîne d’origine volcanique culmine à 498 mètres.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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