
Sȕtla ž geogr. {{c=0}}lijevi pritok Save, granična rijeka Hrvatske i Slovenije{{/c}}

Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika. 2013.

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  • TLA Entertainment Group — is a privately held corporation based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It was founded in 1981.Originally formed to operate a repertory movie theater, the company has expanded to catalogs, retail stores and licensing businesses. The catalog began as …   Wikipedia

  • TLA — is a three letter initialism for the phrase three letter acronym , but it may also refer to:* Temporal Logic of Actions, a logic used to describe behaviours of concurrent systems * Tepehuán: tla is the ISO 639 3 code for the South West Tepehuán… …   Wikipedia

  • TLA Releasing — is a film distribution division of TLA Entertainment Group. Its primary output is lesbian and gay related films from all over the world.Films released through TLA* 29th and Gay * 2LDK * 800 Balas * Absolut Warhola * Adam Steve * Another Gay Movie …   Wikipedia

  • TLA Players Championship — Tour de las Américas Ubicación Acapulco Princess  México Fecha …   Wikipedia Español

  • tlȁka — ž 〈D L tlȁci〉 pov. obvezatan seljakov rad na vlastelinovu imanju …   Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika

  • tlȁčiti — (koga, što) nesvrš. 〈prez. īm, pril. sad. čēći, prid. trp. tlȁčen, gl. im. čēnjē〉 1. {{001f}}podvrgavati nasilju, grubom pritisku; ugnjetavati 2. {{001f}}pritiskivati, stiskati, ob. dlanom nadolje …   Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika

  • TLA — steht als Abkürzung für Temporal Logic of Actions, eine Form der Temporalen Logik Therapeutische Lokalanästhesie, ein Begriff aus der Medizin Three Letter Abbreviation, Three Letter Acronym, engl. für Dreibuchstabenabkürzung Tiroler Landesarchiv …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • TLA —   [Abk. für Three Letter Akronym, dt. »Akronym aus drei Buchstaben«] das, ironischer Kommentar zur Tatsache, dass viele Begriffe im Zusammenhang mit Computern durch drei Buchstaben abgekürzt werden …   Universal-Lexikon

  • tla — (tla) s. m. Coup donné sur un tambour, des deux baguettes presque simultanément, avec mollesse de la première, et en frappant un coup sec de l autre …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • tlȁkomjēr — m sprava za mjerenje tlaka (zraka, krvi) [mehanički ∼; hidraulički ∼]; manometar …   Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika

  • tlȁčenica — ž kulin. debela kobasica dobivena tiještenjem, tlačenjem; presvuršt …   Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika

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