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  • Pir Sadardin — or Pir Sadruddin was a fourteenth century spiritual leader and is regarded as the founder of Khoja Ismaili sect otherwise known as Satpanth. Born in Persia, Sadardin later travelled to the Indian sub continent before settling around the area of… …   Wikipedia

  • Pir Ilahi Bux — or Pir Ilahi Buksh (Urdu: پیر الہی بخش ) was born at Pir Jo Goth near Bhansyedabad in 1890 in a spiritual family of Dadu District, Sindh, Pakistan. He was only 9 years of age when his father Pir Nawaz Ali Shah died. He was brought up by his… …   Wikipedia

  • Pir sultan — Abdal Pir Sultan Abdal (ca. 1480 1550) war ein türkisch alevitischer Dichter, der heute als Freiheitsvorbild vieler Aleviten gilt. Seine Gedichte sind reich an Fantasie und orientalischen Metaphern über Gott und die Liebe zu den Menschen. Seine… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Pir Sultan Abdal — (* um 1480; † 1550) war ein türkischer Dichter alevitischen Glaubens, der heute als Freiheitsvorbild vieler Aleviten gilt. Seine Lyrik ist reich an Fantasie und sufistisch inspirierten Metaphern über Gott, die Natur und die Liebe zu den… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Pir Pagaro — the Seventh ( ur. پیر پگاڑو) ( sd. پير پاڳارو) or Pir Pagara is the title given to the leader of Sunni Muslim Sufi order of Hurs in Sindh province of Pakistan. It comes from Persian word Pir (Chief) and Sindhi word Pagara (Chieftain s Turban).… …   Wikipedia

  • Pir Syed Muhammad Channan Shah Nuri — Pir Syed Muhammad Channan Shah Nuri, a scholar, saint and preacher of Islam in the Indo Pak Subcontinent, was the founder of the Aminia branch of the Naqshbandi order. He preached Islam in the sub continent and brought non Muslims into the fold… …   Wikipedia

  • pir — pir̃ interj. 1. birbimui, čirškimui, zirzimui nusakyti: Reiks nusipirkt, kur rėkia, laikrodis: toks tik pir̃, ir kelkis Slm. Pir̃ pir̃ pir̃ šaukia bitelė avily Skr. 2. byrėjimui, riedėjimui nusakyti: Pir pir pir ir išbiro muno pipirai Vkš. Pir̃… …   Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language

  • Pir Roshan — b. 1525 d. 1582/1585 (پیر روشان) one of the controversial figures of Pashtun history, starting from his name. His real name is Bayazid Ansair, however he is renowned as Pir e Roshan. This is usually translated as the enlighened one while the… …   Wikipedia

  • Pir Baba — is a Pir Baba, a mountain village in Swat, located in the Buner District of the North West Frontier Province of Pakistan. Pir Baba is known for saint Hazrat Pir Baba . Hazrat Pir Baba In the heart of Pir Baba valley lies the beautiful mausoleum… …   Wikipedia

  • pir — s.m. Plantă erbacee perenă din familia gramineelor, cu rizom târâtor, cu frunze liniare aspre şi cu flori verzi, grupate în spice, care creşte spontan, împiedicând dezvoltarea plantelor de cultură (Agropyrum repens). ♢ Pir pădureţ = specie înaltă …   Dicționar Român

  • Pir Sultan Abdal — (ca. 1480 1550), a legendary Turkish Alevi (Sufi) poet, whose direct and clear language as well as the richness of his imagination and the beauty of his verses led him to become a loved among the Turks. Pir Sultan Abdal reflected the social,… …   Wikipedia

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