
Pèsah m jud. {{c=0}}židovski blagdan u spomen izlaska židovskog naroda iz egipatskog sužanjstva (bibl. knjiga Izlazak), slavi se osam dana, od 14. do 22. nisana (ožujak/travanj), {{/c}}{{c=1}}usp. {{ref}}Pasha{{/ref}}
{{/c}}✧ {{001f}}srlat. hebr.

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  • Pesah — Pèsah m DEFINICIJA jud. židovski blagdan u spomen izlaska židovskog naroda iz egipatskog sužanjstva (bibl. knjiga Izlazak), slavi se osam dana, od 14. do 22. nisana (ožujak/travanj); Pasha ETIMOLOGIJA srlat. pasha ← hebr. pesaḥ …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • Pesah — m Jewish: Hebrew name meaning ‘Passover’ (cf. PASCAL (SEE Pascal)). It has traditionally been given to boys born during this period. Variant: Pesach …   First names dictionary

  • Pesah Grupper — MKs Date of birth = 21 August 1924 Place of birth = Tel Aviv, Mandate Palestine Year of Aliyah = Date of death = Place of death = Knesset(s) = 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th Party = New Liberal Party Former parties = Likud Gov t roles = Minister of… …   Wikipedia

  • Pesah — Pessach (hebräisch: פסח,aramäisch Pas cha, deutsch „Vorüberschreiten“) gehört zu den zentralen Festen des Judentums. Es erinnert an den Auszug aus Ägypten, also die Befreiung der Israeliten aus der dortigen Sklaverei, mit der sie nach dem Tanach… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • pesah — pe·sah …   English syllables

  • Pesah — noun (Judaism) a Jewish festival (traditionally 8 days from Nissan 15) celebrating the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt • Syn: ↑Passover, ↑Pesach, ↑Feast of the Unleavened Bread • Topics: ↑Judaism • Hypernyms: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • Samson ben Pesah Ostropoli — (d. July 15, 1648) (Hebrew: שמשון בן פסח מאוסטרופולי) was a Polish rabbi who was martyred at Polonnoye, government of Podolia, in the Cossacks Uprising. When the Cossacks laid siege to Polonnoye, Samson, with 300 of his followers, arrayed in… …   Wikipedia

  • FRANK, ẒEVI PESAḤ — (1873–1960), chief rabbi of Jerusalem and halakhic authority. Frank was born in Kovno, Lithuania. His father, Judah Leib, was one of the leaders of the Ḥaderah society in Kovno which founded the village of Ḥaderah in Ereẓ Israel. Frank studied… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • SINGER, PESAḤ — (1816–1898), Hungarian rabbi. Born in Ungarisch Brod (Uhersky Brod), Singer studied at the yeshivah of Moses Sofer in Pressburg. For a number of years he was director of education of the Papa community. In 1846 he was appointed rabbi of Varpalota …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • KAPLAN, PESAḤ — (1870–1943), Hebrew and Yiddish journalist. Born in Stawiski, Poland, Kaplan lived in Bialystok from 1888 and was active in Zionist circles, writing regularly in the Hebrew press. He also published a series of popular works and children s books… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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