
kultȗrtreger m reg. žarg. pejor. {{c=0}}onaj koji misli da donosi ili unapređuje kulturu, lažni nositelj kulture
{{/c}}✧ {{001f}}njem.

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  • kulturtreger — kultȗrtreger m DEFINICIJA reg. žarg. pejor. onaj koji misli da donosi ili unapređuje kulturu, lažni nositelj kulture ETIMOLOGIJA njem. Kulturträger …   Hrvatski jezični portal

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  • Jabberwocky — For other uses, see Jabberwocky (disambiguation). The Jabberwock, as illustrated by John Tenniel Jabberwocky is a nonsense verse poem written by Lewis Carroll in his 1872 novel Through the Looking Glass, and What Alice Found There, a sequel to… …   Wikipedia

  • Ласковский Казимир — (Laskowski) польский публицист и беллетрист народник (псевдоним El. Aswor), род. в 1861 г. Сотрудничает в Курьере Варшавском , где помещает обозрения в довольно легких стихах. Литературные достоинства его повестей ценятся польской критикой… …   Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона

  • културтрегер — (гер. Kulturtreger) 1. носител на култура 2. фиг. припадник на поробувачка нација што ја прикрива својата политичка и шпионска дејност со божемно ширење на култура …   Macedonian dictionary

  • ABRASS, OSIAS — (Joshua; 1829–1883), Russian ḥazzan and synagogue composer. He was born in Berdichev and became known as Pitshe Odesser ( The Mite from Odessa ) when as a boy he gained fame for his soprano solos in the choir of his teacher, Bezalel Shulsinger in …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • ALTSCHUL, JOSEPH — (1839–1908), ḥazzan and improviser of synagogue songs. Altschul, who was commonly known as Yosh(k)e Slonimer, was born in Vilna. He went to Courland for talmudic studies, and there became a successful singer (solo soprano) with a local ḥazzan. He …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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