
Minotàur m mit. {{c=0}}čudovište s ljudskim tijelom i glavom bika iz Labirinta u Knososu{{/c}}

Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika. 2013.

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  • Minotaur I — with NFIRE at MARS Function Small expendable launch system Manufacturer Orbital Sciences Country of origin …   Wikipedia

  • Minotaur IV — Launch of the first Minotaur IV Lite Function Expendable launch system Manufacturer Orbital Sciences Cost per launch (2011) $50 million[1] …   Wikipedia

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  • minotaur — MINOTÁUR, minotauri, s.m. Monstru mitologic, înfăţişat cu cap de taur şi trup de om. – Din fr. Minotaure, it. Minotauro, germ. Minotaurus. Trimis de ana zecheru, 15.05.2003. Sursa: DEX 98  minotáur s. m., pl. minotáuri Trimis de siveco,… …   Dicționar Român

  • Minotaur — steht für: Minotauros, eine Gestalt der griechischen Mythologie Minotaur (Rakete), eine US amerikanische Raketenfamilie Minotaur (Film), einen Horrorfilm aus dem Jahr 2006 Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur U …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Minotaur — Min o*taur (m[i^]n [ o]*t[add]r), n. [L. Minotaurus, Gr. Minw tayros; Mi nos, the husband of Pasipha[ e] + tay^ros a bull, the Minotaur being the offspring of Pasipha[ e] and a bull: cf. F. minotaure.] (Class. Myth.) A fabled monster, half man… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Minotaur — late 14c., from Gk. minotauros, from Minos, king of Crete + tauros bull. A flesh eating monster, half man half bull, son of Pasiphae (wife of Minos) by a bull …   Etymology dictionary

  • Minotaur — Minotàur m DEFINICIJA mit. čudovište s ljudskim tijelom i glavom bika iz Labirinta u Knososu; sin Minosove žene i svetog, bijelog bika; Atenjani su mu morali davati ljudske žrtve; ubio ga Tezej uz pomoć Arijadne …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • Minotaur — [min′ə tôr΄] n. [ME Minotaure < L Minotaurus < Gr Minōtauros < Minōs, Minos + tauros, a bull, akin to L taurus: see TAURUS] Gr. Myth. a monster with the body of a man and the head of a bull (in some versions, with the body of a bull and… …   English World dictionary

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