
Komóri m mn geogr. {{c=0}}država i otočje u S dijelu Mozambičkog kanala (Indijski ocean), glavni grad Moroni{{/c}}

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  • KOMORI — Corporation Unternehmensform KK ISIN …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Komori — Corporation Rechtsform KK ISIN JP3305800009 Gründung Oktober 1923 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Komori — (tyo|6349) is the 4th biggest manufacturer of printing presses in the world today, behind MAN Roland, Heidelberg and KBA (Koenig Bauer AG). Komori is based in Japan and was founded in October 1923.External links* [http://www.komori.com Komori… …   Wikipedia

  • Komori — Komóri m mn DEFINICIJA geogr. država i otočje u S dijelu Mozambičkog kanala (Indijski ocean), 1862 km2, 466.300 stan., glavni grad Moroni …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • Komori ninja — are a clan of ninja bats in the Usagi Yojimbo comic book series.First appearing in Vol.1 #21, Blood Wings, the clan is the foremost rising rival of the Neko ninja clan whose numbers were severely depleted in the climatic battle in the story, The… …   Wikipedia

  • Komori Yoichi — nihongo|Komori Yoichi|小森 陽一|extra=born 1953 in Tokyo, Japan is one of the most creative and independent critics of Japanese Modern Literature.Fact|date=April 2008 He spent seven years of his childhood in Prague due to his diplomat father s… …   Wikipedia

  • El mundo de Komori: La tierra de Alidra — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El mundo de Komori: La tierra de Alidra, es el primer libro de la trilogía El mundo de Komori, del escritor catalán Javi Araguz, una historia fantástica de aventuras, amor y humor. El mundo de Komori: La tierra de… …   Wikipedia Español

  • 5377 Komori — Infobox Planet minorplanet = yes width = 25em bgcolour = #FFFFC0 apsis = name = Komori symbol = caption = discovery = yes discovery ref = discoverer = Otomo and Muramatsu discovery site = Kiyosato discovered = March 17, 1991 designations = yes mp …   Wikipedia

  • Mika Komori — 小森美果 Naissance 16 juillet 1994 (1994 07 16) (17 ans) Aichi Pays d’origine   …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Junichi Komori — (b. July 11, 1941) is a Japanese three cushion billiards player.Komori has won 4 Japanese titles. However, he never won a world title compared to his country man, Nobuaki Kobayashi, who did (twice). His best finish in the UMB World Three cushion… …   Wikipedia

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