- Húni
- Húni m mn 〈N Hȗn〉 pov. {{c=0}}mongolski narod koji je u 5. st. prodro u Europu{{/c}}
Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika. 2013.
Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika. 2013.
Hüni — Co. KG Rechtsform KG Gründung 1859 Sitz Friedrichshafen … Deutsch Wikipedia
Huni — Húni m mn <N Hȗn> DEFINICIJA pov. mongolski narod koji je u 5. st. prodro u Europu … Hrvatski jezični portal
huni Ⅰ — *huni germ.?, Substantiv: nhd. Kraft?, Stärke?; ne. power; Quelle: Personenname (300); Etymologie: unbekannt … Germanisches Wörterbuch
huni Ⅱ — *huni germ.?, Substantiv: nhd. Junges; ne. young (Neutrum); Etymologie: unbekannt … Germanisches Wörterbuch
Huni — Namen von Huni Kopf einer Granitstatue, die möglicherweise Huni repräsentiert Brooklyn Museum, New York … Deutsch Wikipedia
Huni — Pharaoh Infobox Alt= Hu, Houni, Hoeni [http://www.phouka.com/pharaoh/pharaoh/dynasties/dyn03/05huni.html Huni] accessed November 18, 2006] Name= Huni | Caption=Granite head of an Old Kingdom pharaoh, thought to represent Huni NomenHiero= V28 A24… … Wikipedia
Huni — King 2637 2613 BC. Huni is named in the Turin Canon and the Saqqara List as the last ruler of the Third Dynasty, and he appears in the Papyrus Prisse as the immediate predecessor of *Sneferu; he was the father of Queen *Hetepheres, who… … Ancient Egypt
hüni — (Cəlilabad, Əli Bayramlı, Göyçay, Sabirabad, Ucar) ağcaqanad. – Hüni oley dımba dımba, adami də yamən ye:y (Cəlilabad); – Yayda bırda hüni çox olur (Ucar) … Azərbaycan dilinin dialektoloji lüğəti
huni — Ⅰ s. huni Ⅰ germ.?, Substantiv; nhd. Kraft?, Stärke?; Ⅱ s. huni Ⅱ germ.?, Substantiv; nhd. Junges; … Germanisches Wörterbuch
Huni Valley — is a town in west central Ghana. Transport Rail It is a junction on the west line for a cross country line to the east line.It is also the site of a concrete sleeper plant to be built in 2008 to provide sleepers for the upgrade and extension of… … Wikipedia